The first bit of good news for Charlbury: there’s next to no chance of any more rain today. BUT
– There’s a risk of flooding in Witney, around the A40 and up the line towards Moreton
– National Rail’s giving conflicting information about trains: one hand claims there’s only buses every two hours between Oxford and Worcester, while the other’s saying trains are now OK. So check before leaving home
The second: none of this seems to have affected the Artsweeks events today and tomorrow. If we’ve missed anyone, please let us know
– Marion Coates and Lee Belcher are exhibiting from 11-5 at 20, The Playing Close (which is now accessible on foot)
– Seven artists exhibiting at St Mary’s 11-5 (to 4.30 tomorrow)
Wendy Clifford, Kati Eidenbenz and Tony Lloyd are exhibiting at The Bell 11-5
– Catherine Binnie and Martha Evans are exhibiting at Railway Studios 11-5 (first left after the station exiting Charlbury)
– The Gillespies are exhibiting at 6, Tanners Court 11-5
– John McKay is exhibiting in the Deli from 8.30-4.00 today.
With the Deli serving the best coffee in the Cotswolds and delicious food all today, CRAG serving lunch in St Mary’s from 12 (and tea, coffee and cakes from 11 to 4.30), and Charlbury’s pubs in full swing this is a perfect day for not leaving Charlbury